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How and when to call the base class constructor in C#



How and when to call the base class constructor in C#

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user544079 Avatar asked Mar 17 '11 06:03


2 Answers

You can call the base class constructor like this:

// Subclass constructor
public Subclass() 
    : base()
    // do Subclass constructor stuff here...

You would call the base class if there is something that all child classes need to have setup. objects that need to be initialized, etc...

Hope this helps.

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Brent Stewart Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Brent Stewart

It's usually a good practice to call the base class constructor from your subclass constructor to ensure that the base class initializes itself before your subclass. You use the base keyword to call the base class constructor. Note that you can also call another constructor in your class using the this keyword.

Here's an example on how to do it:

public class BaseClass
    private string something;

    public BaseClass() : this("default value") // Call the BaseClass(string) ctor

    public BaseClass(string something)
        this.something = something;

    // other ctors if needed

public class SubClass : BaseClass
    public SubClass(string something) : base(something) // Call the base ctor with the arg

    // other ctors if needed
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Andy White Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Andy White