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How accurate is MongoDB's estimated count query?



The official MongoDB driver offers a 'count' and 'estimated document count' API, as far as I know the former command is highly memory intensive so it's recommended to use the latter in situations that require it.

But how accurate is this estimated document count? Can the count be trusted in a Production environment, or is using the count API recommended when absolute accuracy is needed?

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ChazMcDingle Avatar asked Nov 29 '18 15:11


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1 Answers

Comparing the two, to me it's very difficult to conjure up a scenario in which you'd want to use countDocuments() when estimatedDocumentCount() was an option.

That is, the equivalent form of estimatedDocumentCount() is countDocuments({}), i.e., an empty query filter. The cost of the first function is O(1); the second is O(N), and if N is very large, the cost will be prohibitive.

Both return a count, which, in a scenario in which Mongo has been deployed, is likely to be quite ephemeral, i.e., it's inaccurate the moment you have it, as the collection changes.

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Allan Bazinet Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 09:10

Allan Bazinet