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How accurate is GeoIP and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']?




I make a website for my girlfriend and she recently wants to know who is accessing her site. So I use the database of MindMax and I got the list and count of access by country.

However, after monitoring it for a few days, it is comes to our surprise that there are accesses from some countries which the website is not target to. Of course, it does not means that I think it is impossible for people from those countries will be interested but it just rises a question of accuracy. So How accurate is GeoIP and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] (which is used to look up)?

I don't care much about those who intentionally hide or fake their IP. I just more interested to know if there is thing out there that may unintentionally make this inaccurate (e.g., routing).

like image 946
NawaMan Avatar asked Dec 09 '09 21:12


1 Answers

Well based on their web page their DB is "99.8% accurate on a country level" ...

like image 77
Jan Hančič Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Jan Hančič