There is an issue with the hover effect that only appears on Safari 10.0.
The web is this: Manu Caballero
What is happening is that the effect is working radomly, or not working at all:
To see it working, you can use Chrome or Firefox.
The most strange thing is that, on Safari 10.0, if I try to use the inspector, the hover effect works...
On Safari 10.1 and other common browsers like Chrome, Firefox... is working perfectly.
Looking at this site it appears to be using jQuery 1.12.4 and jQuery Migrate 1.4.1 - this is adequate if you need to support IE6 but not something I'd expect to be sufficient for Safari 10 (released after these legacy libraries).
On top of this you appear to be using Isotope 3.0.1, which is also about a year out of date.
So, first I'd recommend:
In particular check their issue logs for similar issues before raising them on here.
If the problem persists after that then you may have an issue specific to your implementation. Isolate the code in a snippet in your question - it's much easier for us to help you with one specific issue without reverse engineering your entire site.
Delete this code and your effect will be work fine and look this video
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