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Hourly average usage in Azure Application Insights

I can get Application Insights to display a running hourly log of usage, but is there a way to display average usage on an hourly basis to see what times of the day a site is must used?

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Doug Avatar asked Oct 05 '17 14:10


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1 Answers

on the overview blade your resource, isn't there a metrics explorer that shows exactly that? the last 24 hours by hour? if that isn't what you mean, you could make an analytics query to get whatever you want, something like

| where timestamp > ago(7d) 
| extend hour = datetime_part("hour", timestamp)
| summarize sum(itemCount)/7 by hour
| order by hour asc
| render barchart

which would show you requests over the last 7 days split by each of the 24 hours, divided by 7 to show you average per day.

if you just want "today's" version of that its even simpler:

| where timestamp > ago(1d) 
| summarize sum(itemCount) by bin(timestamp, 1h)
| render timechart

anything you can query in the analytics website you can then pin as a tile on your azure dashboard.

like image 108
John Gardner Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10

John Gardner