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Hotlinking my Cascading Style Sheets



Someone told me that another person was hotlinking my CSS file. I was able to find with them using my CSS file. I'm not fine with them hotlinking my CSS file.

Is there anyway to only allow one single URL to use my css file?

I asked the person to stop and told them "you can take it and host it elsewhere", but it seems that they won't listen. I decided to change their background to something borderline nsfw, but that still didn't stop them from doing it again. I could start putting goatse and such, but that is going to be wasting my time.

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John Smith Avatar asked Jul 03 '11 15:07

John Smith

1 Answers

You can use your .htaccess file to restrict the domain.

Reference 1

Reference 2 http://www.globinch.com/2011/04/13/prevent-hotlinking-of-image-script-css-etc-using-htaccess/

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Kevin Bowersox Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Kevin Bowersox