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Hotchocolate validation with C#

So I've been playing around with Hotchocolate lately and I made a class which gives me back a list of students, but I want to have some validation functions for it. I didn't really find anything that helps me from the official hotchocolate website.


public class Student
    public string Name{ get; set; }
    public string LastName{ get; set; }
    public string Picture { get; set; }

This is my query, which currently gives me back all students from a list.


public class StudentQuery
    public List<Student> GetStudents()
        return MongoDBHelper.LoadRecords<Student>(EMongoCollection.Students);


Now my question is, how can I make a ValidationRule for a student, saying for example that a student has to at least have 3 characters for his name? Could someone be kind enough to provide me some example?

Thanks in advance.

like image 981
Makus Avatar asked Oct 23 '20 07:10


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Thanks in advance. HotChocolate itself does not have a integration for input validation of this kind. The framework only does GraphQL validation. So checks for invalid GraphQL queries. (e.g. Wrong Type)

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1 Answers

HotChocolate itself does not have a integration for input validation of this kind. The framework only does GraphQL validation. So checks for invalid GraphQL queries. (e.g. Wrong Type)

If you want to use validation there are a few community libraries to choose from:

  • AppAny.HotChocolate.FluentValidation - Input field HotChocolate + FluentValidation integration
  • DataAnnotatedModelValidations - Data Annotated Model Validation Middleware for HotChocolate
  • FairyBread - Input validation for HotChocolate (FluentValidation)
  • FluentChoco - FluentValidation middleware for HotChocolate
  • Graph.ArgumentValidator - Adds input argument validation to HotChocolate (DataAnnotations)

Community libraries are listed here: https://github.com/ChilliCream/hotchocolate/blob/main/COMMUNITY.md

like image 139
Pascal Senn Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Pascal Senn