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Hosting root domain (mydomain.com) with Windows Azure Shared Website?




I've been working on trying to get my own domain, for example mydomain.com, hosted in Azure Websites.

I upgraded/scaled to change my setting to "Shared".

I added CNAME record from www.mydomain.com to mydomain.azurewebsites.net.

I added www.mydomain.com to my website in azure under "Manage Domains", and it allowed me to add it successfully.

I am able to browse successfully to the website with www.mydomain.com.

I changed the A record for mydomain.com to point to the IP address listed under the Manage Domains section of the Azure website.

The CNAME and A record have propagated based on testing on my machine and on centralops.net DNS lookup tools.

If I browse to mydomain.com I get a 404. www.mydomain.com works as expected.

Can anyone help?

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chrismay Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 16:02


People also ask

What is the domain URL where the application is accessible from in Azure?

In the case of Azure Cloud Services, the canonical domain name is the <myapp>. cloudapp.net domain name of your Azure hosted application. Once created, the CNAME creates an alias for the <myapp>. cloudapp.net.

How do I point my domain to Azure?

Sign in to the Azure portal using a Global administrator account for the directory. Search for and select Azure Active Directory from any page. Then select Custom domain names > Add custom domain. In Custom domain name, enter your organization's new name, in this example, contoso.com.

How do I map my domain to Azure GoDaddy?

Go to GoDaddy portal - >Domains->Manage DNS -> Edit/Add the A Record and map the Azure web app IP as shown in the below figure. Now go to Azure portal -> custom domain of the web app service, click on Add custom Domain icon and enable the A record mapping as shown in below figure.

1 Answers

Step by step. This is working for me.

1 - In your DNS registrar create a CNAME record like following.

Name = awverify.mydomain.com

Value = awverify.mydomain.azurewebsites.net

TTL = 86400

2 - In Azure panel, add mydomain.com to your custom domains. It should show green check.

3 - Go back to your DNS registrar's web site and add an A Record for your custom domain using to IP provided to you by Microsoft in Azure Portal.

Name = mydomain.com

Value =

TTL = 7200

More info here.

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emre nevayeshirazi Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

emre nevayeshirazi