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Hosting .NET Web Api in Firebase [closed]

Is it possible to host .NET Web Api project in Firebase hosting module? Would be a great way of changing my current provider.

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Alex Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 11:12


1 Answers

Firebase Hosting is for serving static assets only (HTML, JS, CSS, images, video, etc...).

You can't run any server code like the .NET Web API.

But if you're looking for guidance on using Firebase with Web API, you can check out these two repos:

https://github.com/davideast/FirebaseAuth-WebApi/ https://github.com/davideast/FirebaseAuth.Web

The first shows how to authenticate Web API against a Firebase database (using a Filter), and the second is the client side app (written in Angular).

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David East Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12

David East