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Homegrown consumption of web services [closed]

I've been writing a few web services for a .net app, now I'm ready to consume them. I've seen numerous examples where there is homegrown code for consuming the service as opposed to using the auto generated methods that Visual Studio creates when adding the web reference.

Is there some advantages to this?

like image 826
Dillie-O Avatar asked Aug 02 '08 15:08


1 Answers

No, what you're doing is fine. Don't let those people confuse you.

If you've written the web services with .net then the reference proxies generated by .net are going to be quite suitable. The situation you describe (where you are both producer and consumer) is the ideal situation.

If you need to connect to a web services that is unknown at compile time, then you would want a more dynamic approach, where you deduce the 'shape' of the web service.

But start by using the auto generated proxy class, and don't worry about it until you hit a limitation. And when you do -- come back to stack overflow ;-)

like image 197
Leon Bambrick Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Leon Bambrick