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Homebrew, MySQL 8 support


Anyone have the inside scoop on when Homebrew will be updated to support MySQL 8's first general release (8.0.11)? I can't seem to find it by searching, but I bet someone here knows :)

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Pete_1 Avatar asked May 02 '18 02:05


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1 Answers

Homebrew pushed MySQL 8.0.11 as an upgrade yesterday (Wed, 13 June 2018). I thought I had it pinned, but no such luck.

It's a total disaster:

MySQL 8.0.11 uses caching_sha2_password as the default authentication method (leave it to Oracle to do something like this in a point release, but there you have it).

So far, it breaks everything I've tried: phpMyAdmin, Nextcloud, and WordPress.

I'll be rolling back to 5.7.22 later today.

Update 17 June 2018 6:50PM CDT:

Three step solution:

  1. Add to [mysqld] section of my.cnf file (found in /usr/local/etc/ for Homebrew's installation):

  2. At shell prompt:

    mysql -u root -p  > ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost'    IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password    BY '[password]';  > exit 
  3. Reboot server

    brew services restart mysql 

Short version solution

Long version solution

Update 18 June 2018 11:53PM CDT:

The solution provided above is partial, at best. In my experience MySQL 8.0.11 is not nearly ready for production (or even development) use.

like image 135
Michael Fraase Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Michael Fraase