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Homebrew error when updating git




I just got Homebrew. When I run brew doctor I get the following ouput...

Warning: An outdated version of Git was detected in your PATH.
Git 1.7.10 or newer is required to perform checkouts over HTTPS from GitHub.
Please upgrade: brew upgrade git

So I run brew upgrade git and simply get Error: git not installed

Is there an option for getting more verbose error output? Or should I upgrade git outside of Homebrew?


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blogofsongs Avatar asked May 17 '13 11:05


People also ask

How long does Homebrew take to update?

From 20 minutes to an hour. The devs are aware.

2 Answers


$ brew install git

You probably have an older version of Git (perhaps installed with Xcode) elsewhere on your system.

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mipadi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09


The command brew upgrade git attempts to upgrade your existing Homebrew installation of Git, but you don't have one.

You could use Homebrew to install a current version of Git, but you would probably be better off using the plain old installer (available at http://git-scm.com/download/mac). That way, you shouldn't run into any $PATH confusion or other problems that might arise from having multiple Git installations.

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Wally Altman Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Wally Altman