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Home Brew PHP 7.2.5 Install with cURL


I have a localhost development environment on my Mac that uses homebrew's php formula and I'm pulling my hair out trying to install with a custom path to cURL rather than the default Mac OS version (v7.54.0) that uses SecureTransport for SSL. SecureTransport causes a lot of issues with SSL requests to remote services, so OpenSSL is pretty much a requirement for my purposes.

Here's the process I've taken so far:

  1. Installed curl through home brew with OpenSSL: brew install curl --with-openssl
  2. Edited brew's php formula to modify the compile process, telling ./configure to use the brew installed curl (v7.59.0). I've tried --with-curl=/usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.59.0 and also --with-curl=#{Formula["curl"].opt_prefix}. The second option is just a dynamic symlink to the former.
  3. Save the edits and rebuild php from the source: brew reinstall --build-from-source php

To verify that I have the write ./configure options I added a temporary line to my Brew formula edits that spits out the args passed. Here's what this looks like:


By all intensive purposes this should be working, but when I open up a phpinfo() after reinstalling php from the source I'm seeing the following under the Configure Command value:


If you notice, there's a trailing --with-curl at the tail of this, while everything else is in the order that's defined in the brew formula. I have no idea where or how this is appended onto the ./configure command, but this may be related to the cause of the issue.

For reference, here's the exact content of the modified php.rb formula for Brew:


Either way, I'm completely stumped here. Any help or assistance is very much appreciated.

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Kevin Leary Avatar asked May 09 '18 18:05

Kevin Leary

1 Answers

I've applied the patch supplied by dossy and it works!

Below are the specific steps to take to solve the issue. More details on what this fixes can be found below.

  1. cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core
  2. curl -s https://github.com/dossy/homebrew-core/commit/b75fe286f79e2b89548c5ed1bbe1958313c5c103.patch | patch -p1
  3. brew reinstall php --build-from-source

The specific source of issue appears to be that the libxml2 library is needed to replace Mac's built-in libcurl, which is what ultimately forces PHP's dependency on SecureTransport. These two lines in php.rb were the critical part of the fix for my purposes:

  • depends_on "libxml2"
  • --with-libxml-dir=#{Formula["libxml2"].opt_prefix}

For my specific circumstance I had to reset my editted home brew formula (php.rb) to the source because I had previously editted it. As a result applying the patch didn't work at first. If you've also editted your php.rb formula then I'd reset it to the source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/master/Formula/php.rb.

In the linked article on medium.com dossy suggests the follow command to build after applying to patch, brew install php --build-from-source. If you already have PHP installed you'll need to use reinstall in place of install instead.

like image 86
Kevin Leary Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Kevin Leary