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HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion: What's the difference between CurrentBuild and CurrentBuildNumber?

I am asking about those two registry keys:

Screenshot of regedit

Both seem to contain the Windows 10 build number (10240 for RTM/TH1, 10586 for 1511/TH2).

Is there any (documented) difference between those two? Which one should I use to determine the "Version" of Windows 10?

Footnote: I am aware that usually checking for required features is better practice than checking version numbers. Note, however, that there are legitimate cases for wanting to get the version of the currently running OS, which I'll gladly discuss in the comments, if needed.

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Heinzi Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 09:06


1 Answers

I figure it out. I did some "hack"

I changed the value of CurrentBuild key to another value, then I opened winver.exe and I saw that the new value I typed in CurrentBuild key was shown by winver.exe

enter image description here

So there is no documentation but with a little help of reverse engineering and trial and error you get the answer :)

So CurrentBuild key is what winver.exe is looking for as the build number and I assume that you should do the same.

like image 97
gil123 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
