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History visualization tools for version control systems? [closed]

People also ask

What are the three types of version control?

The types of VCS are: Local Version Control System. Centralized Version Control System. Distributed Version Control System.

What is version control history?

The first Version Control System was created in 1972 at Bell Labs where they developed UNIX. The first one was called SCCS. It was available only for UNIX and only worked with Source Code files.

Which one the following is a versioning tool?

Answer: Git is an open-source version control system that lets you perform versioning for a repository that is created or initialized using Git.

http://code.google.com/p/gource/ looks very pretty

I am not sure about pretty, but codeswarm is certainly one of the most impressive "commit history visualization" tool I have ever seen.

alt text
(source: infovis-wiki.net)

In a more practical way, you may also consider SVN Time-Lapse View

SVN Time-Lapse View is a cross-platform viewer that downloads all revisions of a file and lets you scroll through them by dragging a slider.
As you scroll, you are shown a visual diff of the current revision and the previous revision.
Thus you can see how a file evolved, and you can easily find the revision at which lines appeared, disappeared, or changed.

(not big on "animation", but still, can be useful)

Annotated screenshot of the window

Most of the VCS have a web or GUI interface such as gitk, hgk and so on. It shows the various "branches" and "merges" along the life of the repo but if you want something prettier then codeswarm is your answer :)