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Highlighting syntax errors in Sublime Text 2



In Sublime text 2 when I make an error like forget a ; or add an extra closing or opening tag there is no highlighting that tells me that I have made a mistake. Only after running the code will I know that a mistake was made. Is this normal for Sublime Text 2 or is it just me? If this is normal, is there any extension to fix this?

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halliewuud Avatar asked Nov 13 '11 14:11


People also ask

How do I enable syntax highlighting in sublime?

To enable Syntax Highlighting click on “View” in the top bar, then hover your mouse over “Syntax”, and select your programming language from the list. Alternatively, if you save a document with a supported file extension, Sublime Text 3 will automatically apply the Syntax Highlighting for that language.

How do I show errors in Sublime Text?

At the bottom of the Sublime Text Tools menu, you will see a SublimeLinter submenu. Select SublimeLinter > Next Error , SublimeLinter > Previous Error , or SublimeLinter > Show All Errors .

How do you highlight in Sublime Text?

🖍 Text Marker (Highlighter) Simply use Alt + Space to mark selected text.

How do I disable syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 3?

Or View -> Syntax -> Plain Text.

1 Answers

I use SublimeLinter which highlights potential errors in a number of languages when you save a file.

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maxbeatty Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10
