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Highest Posterior Density Region and Central Credible Region

Given a posterior p(Θ|D) over some parameters Θ, one can define the following:

Highest Posterior Density Region:

The Highest Posterior Density Region is the set of most probable values of Θ that, in total, constitute 100(1-α) % of the posterior mass.

In other words, for a given α, we look for a p* that satisfies:

enter image description here

and then obtain the Highest Posterior Density Region as the set:

enter image description here

Central Credible Region:

Using the same notation as above, a Credible Region (or interval) is defined as:

enter image description here

Depending on the distribution, there could be many such intervals. The central credible interval is defined as a credible interval where there is (1-α)/2 mass on each tail.


  • For general distributions, given samples from the distribution, are there any built-ins in to obtain the two quantities above in Python or PyMC?

  • For common parametric distributions (e.g. Beta, Gaussian, etc.) are there any built-ins or libraries to compute this using SciPy or statsmodels?

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Amelio Vazquez-Reina Avatar asked Mar 09 '14 16:03

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

People also ask

What is the highest density interval?

4.3. 4 Highest density interval (HDI) Another way of summarizing a distribution, which we will use often, is the highest density interval, abbreviated HDI. The HDI indicates which points of a distribution are most credible, and which cover most of the distribution.

Why is 95 high density interval in prior distribution?

By definition, a 95% equal tailed credible interval has to exclude 2.5% from each tail of the distribution. So, even if the mode of the posterior is at zero, if you exclude 2.5%, then you have to exclude zero. That's why I use highest density intervals (HDIs), not equal-tail CIs.

How do you interpret a 95 credible interval?

Confidence intervals are measures of uncertainty around effect estimates. Interpretation of the frequentist 95% confidence interval: we can be 95% confident that the true (unknown) estimate would lie within the lower and upper limits of the interval, based on hypothesized repeats of the experiment.

What is the difference between credibility interval and confidence interval?

credible intervals incorporate problem-specific contextual information from the prior distribution whereas confidence intervals are based only on the data; credible intervals and confidence intervals treat nuisance parameters in radically different ways.

2 Answers

From my understanding "central credible region" is not any different from how confidence intervals are calculated; all you need is the inverse of cdf function at alpha/2 and 1-alpha/2; in scipy this is called ppf ( percentage point function ); so as for Gaussian posterior distribution:

>>> from scipy.stats import norm >>> alpha = .05 >>> l, u = norm.ppf(alpha / 2), norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) 

to verify that [l, u] covers (1-alpha) of posterior density:

>>> norm.cdf(u) - norm.cdf(l) 0.94999999999999996 

similarly for Beta posterior with say a=1 and b=3:

>>> from scipy.stats import beta >>> l, u = beta.ppf(alpha / 2, a=1, b=3), beta.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, a=1, b=3) 

and again:

>>> beta.cdf(u, a=1, b=3) - beta.cdf(l, a=1, b=3) 0.94999999999999996 

here you can see parametric distributions that are included in scipy; and I guess all of them have ppf function;

As for highest posterior density region, it is more tricky, since pdf function is not necessarily invertible; and in general such a region may not even be connected; for example, in the case of Beta with a = b = .5 ( as can be seen here);

But, in the case of Gaussian distribution, it is easy to see that "Highest Posterior Density Region" coincides with "Central Credible Region"; and I think that is is the case for all symmetric uni-modal distributions ( i.e. if pdf function is symmetric around the mode of distribution)

A possible numerical approach for the general case would be binary search over the value of p* using numerical integration of pdf; utilizing the fact that the integral is a monotone function of p*;

Here is an example for mixture Gaussian:

[ 1 ] First thing you need is an analytical pdf function; for mixture Gaussian that is easy:

def mix_norm_pdf(x, loc, scale, weight):     from scipy.stats import norm     return np.dot(weight, norm.pdf(x, loc, scale)) 

so for example for location, scale and weight values as in

loc    = np.array([-1, 3])   # mean values scale  = np.array([.5, .8])  # standard deviations weight = np.array([.4, .6])  # mixture probabilities 

you will get two nice Gaussian distributions holding hands:

enter image description here

[ 2 ] now, you need an error function which given a test value for p* integrates pdf function above p* and returns squared error from the desired value 1 - alpha:

def errfn( p, alpha, *args):     from scipy import integrate     def fn( x ):         pdf = mix_norm_pdf(x, *args)         return pdf if pdf > p else 0      # ideally integration limits should not     # be hard coded but inferred     lb, ub = -3, 6      prob = integrate.quad(fn, lb, ub)[0]     return (prob + alpha - 1.0)**2 

[ 3 ] now, for a given value of alpha we can minimize the error function to obtain p*:

alpha = .05  from scipy.optimize import fmin p = fmin(errfn, x0=0, args=(alpha, loc, scale, weight))[0] 

which results in p* = 0.0450, and HPD as below; the red area represents 1 - alpha of the distribution, and the horizontal dashed line is p*.

enter image description here

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behzad.nouri Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09


To calculate HPD you can leverage pymc3, Here is an example

import pymc3 from scipy.stats import norm a = norm.rvs(size=10000) pymc3.stats.hpd(a) 
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sushmit Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
