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Highcharts: How to remove tiny space between stacked bars/columns

I have a simple stacked column chart.

            plotOptions: {
            column: {
                stacking: 'normal',
                dataLabels: {
                    enabled: true,
                    color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.dataLabelsColor) || 'white',
                    style: {
                        textShadow: '0 0 3px black, 0 0 3px black'

I want to remove the tiny bit of space between the stacked columns. Is there a way to do it. Here is an image to better explain the space I wish to remove: enter image description here


like image 245
keithxm23 Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 16:12


1 Answers

Set the border width to 0:

plotOptions: {
            column: {
               borderWidth: 0,
like image 83
wergeld Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 23:01
