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Highcharts 3 cannot render more than 1000 points in one series



After upgrading for Highcharts 2.1.9 to 3.0.0 we found that it seems impossible to render more than 1000 points in one series.

If you add 1000 points to a series it renders ok.

If you add 1001 points to a series it does not render at all. If you interrogate the series afterwards the "data" array on the series is empty.

You can however render multiple series with 1000 points - so there does not seem to be a limitation in terms of the total number of points per chart.

Here is a jsFiddle which illustrates this: http://jsfiddle.net/YWVHx/47/

$(function () {      var series1Data = [];     for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {         series1Data.push({             x: (new Date()).getTime() + i * 10000,             y: Math.random() * 100         });     }      var series2Data = [];         // If you change this back to 1000 the series gets rendered         for (var i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {              series2Data.push({                 x: (new Date()).getTime() + i * 10000,                 y: Math.random() * 100 + 100             });     }      $('#container').highcharts({         chart: {             type: 'line'         },         title: {             text: 'Foo'         },         xAxis: {             type: 'datetime'         },         yAxis: {             title: {             text: null             }         },         tooltip: {             crosshairs: true,             shared: true,             valueSuffix: '°C'         },         legend: {             enabled: true         },         series: [{             name: '1000 Points - I work ;-)',             data: series1Data         }, {             name: '1001 Points - I dont work :-(',             data: series2Data         }]     }); }); 

Is this a limitation that was imposed on purpose or is it a problem with v3?

like image 334
Herman Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 09:04


1 Answers

You should set bigger turbothreshold: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.series.turboThreshold

like image 118
Sebastian Bochan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Sebastian Bochan