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High resolution/retina display app icon file names for the new iPad


Does anyone know the correct file names for high resolution app icons in iOS? I've only been able to find the following documentation on the Apple Developer site, which is unfortunately out of date - http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1686/_index.html.

This is my best guess... although I'm fairly sure I'm wrong!

App - 144px x 144px - [email protected]   Spotlight - 100px x 100px - [email protected]   Settings - 58px x 58px - [email protected] 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Matt Elkins Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 01:03

Matt Elkins

People also ask

What are app icons?

App icon badges are a commonly used feature on many mobile devices. The badges appear as small dots over the logo of an app on a user's home screen and can be designed in a wide range of eye-catching colors. Fully supported by Apple and Android devices, app icon badges are easily accessible to a wide range of users.

Can you customize app icons on iPad?

You can't technically change the original app icons on your iPhone or iPad, but you can create customized shortcuts to your apps by using the Shortcuts app on your home screen.

1 Answers

Here and here is the right documentation. Basically, you add new icons with the suffix @2x and with double size as the documentation says:

For apps that run on devices with Retina displays, two versions of each icon should be provided, with the second one being a high-resolution version of the original. The names of the two icons should be the same except for the inclusion of the string @2x in the filename of the high-resolution image.

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sch Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
