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Hide some content types on Navigation portlet



I'm overriding the Navigation portlet (following this how-to) but after taking a look at the code I don't see any easy way to hide some elements based on my own criteria (right now would be by content type).

I assumed that just overriding the code and adding some code would be enough, but just looking at the code made me realize that it isn't trivial at all, at least for me.

I ended up modifying the navigation_recurse.pt adding more conditions on a tal:condition, but it feels wrong somehow.

Is there a more friendly way to hide some content types to being displayed on the Navigation portlet?

like image 645
gforcada Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 01:02


1 Answers

No code changes necessary at all. SIte Setup -> Navigation -> Displayed content types.

like image 108
Ross Patterson Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 00:03

Ross Patterson