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Hide search highlight in VSCode Vim

I'm trying to switch from MacVim to VSCode and I use VSCode Vim extension. The most annoying thing I found so far is: if I search with / command - I can't disable a highlighting of search results.

Could you pls help me to find a way how to hide search result highlighting after I've done with search?

like image 645
Andrew Kovalenko Avatar asked Jun 14 '17 01:06

Andrew Kovalenko

People also ask

How do I get rid of highlight in vim?

Use :noh in command mode to clear.

How do I get rid of highlighting Vscode?

You can enable / disable semantic highlighting in the VS Code settings. Press F1 to open the command window, and then enter "Open Settings (UI)". Search "semantic" to find the Editor>Semantic Highlighting item . Set the value to true to enable semantic highlighting; otherwise set it to false .

How do I highlight keywords in Vscode?

To customize the keywords and other stuff, command + , (Windows / Linux: File -> Preferences -> User Settings) open the vscode file settings. json . Toggle the highlight, default is true. Whether the keywords are case sensitive or not.

1 Answers

Alternately, you can also just set vim.hlsearch to false.

like image 98
horace he Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

horace he