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Hide parameterless constructor on struct





Is it possible to hide the parameterless constructor from a user in C#?

I want to force them to always use the constructor with parameters

e.g. this Position struct

public struct Position {     private readonly int _xposn;     private readonly int _yposn;          public int Xposn     {         get { return _xposn; }     }      public int Yposn     {         get { return _yposn; }     }      public Position(int xposn, int yposn)     {         _xposn = xposn;         _yposn = yposn;     }         } 

I only want users to be able to new up a Position by specifying the x and y coordinates.

However, the parameterless constructor is ALWAYS available.

I cannot make it private. Or even define it as public.

I have read this: Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET?

but it doesn't really help.

If this is not possible - what is the best way to detect if the Position I am being passed has values?

Explicitly checking each property field? Is there a slicker way?

like image 623
ChrisCa Avatar asked Feb 11 '09 03:02


People also ask

Can structs have Parameterless constructor?

A struct may declare a parameterless instance constructor. A parameterless instance constructor is valid for all struct kinds including struct , readonly struct , ref struct , and record struct .

Why can struct have Parameterless constructor?

Although the CLR allows it, C# does not allow structs to have a default parameter less constructor. The reason is that, for a value type, compilers by default neither generate a default constructor, nor do they generate a call to the default constructor.

Does struct have default constructor C#?

C# does not allow a struct to declare a default, no-parameters, constructor. The reason for this constraint is to do with the fact that, unlike in C++, a C# struct is associated with value-type semantic and a value-type is not required to have a constructor.

Does C# support Parameterless constructor?

The CLR allows value types to have parameterless constructors, but C# doesn't.

2 Answers

No, you can't do this. As you said, similar question has been asked before - and I thought the answer was fairly clear that you couldn't do it.

You can create a private parameterless constructor for a struct, but not in C#. However, even if you do that it doesn't really help - because you can easily work around it:

MyStruct[] tmp = new MyStruct[1]; MyStruct gotcha = tmp[0]; 

That will be the default value of MyStruct - the "all zeroes" value - without ever calling a constructor.

You could easily add a Validate method to your struct and call that each time you received one as a parameter, admittedly.

like image 58
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Jon Skeet

Nope can't hide it. Structs cannot redefine zero arg constructor, so therefore its visibility can't be redefined.

like image 23
DavidN Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
