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Hide overflow on elements with fixed position

Is there any way to hide the overflow of a fixed div with a container? I thought fixed inside fixed would do it, but it seems it's not the case. The only workaround I can think of is "inverted" masks: other fixed divs hiding everything around the one, but it'd be better if there are any other solutions.

Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pjFa6/1/

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Yisela Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 02:08


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1 Answers

Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to nest a fixed element within another element (fixed or not) and expect the outer element to wrap it and hide any overflow.

The only thing I can think of is setting the inner div to position:absolute instead of fixed. Here is an example based on your jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/pjFa6/15 .

like image 124
Jeemusu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
