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hide Intellij Idea yellow light bulb

Is there a way to hide yellow light bulb, which greatly annoys me showing on every line. I don't want to disable any inspections. I just want to hide yellow light bulb.

I'm trying to switch from eclipse (not the first time) and this is one of the thing that annoys me greatly and prevent from switching.

I know that I can make refactoring using alt+enter, why remind me constantly about it?

like image 622
user1194528 Avatar asked May 23 '13 11:05


People also ask

How do I get yellow bulb in Intellij?

You can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Enter (⌥⏎) to bring it up. Hope this helps.

What is the light bulb in PyCharm?

A red bulb with an exclamation mark. indicates that PyCharm has detected a problem, and prompts you to select an associated fix — a quick-fix. Quick-fixes and intention actions together are called context actions.

1 Answers

There is an option, but it's not exposed in the preferences dialog. Add or modify the following line inside the <component name="EditorSettings"> section in your editor.xml file and restart IntelliJ IDEA:

<option name="SHOW_INTENTION_BULB" value="false" /> 

The file is located at:

  • On OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/<PRODUCT>/options/editor.xml
  • On Windows: %HOMEPATH%\.<PRODUCT>\config\options\editor.xml
  • On Linux: ~/.<PRODUCT>/config/options/editor.xml

where <PRODUCT> is e.g. IdeaIC13, IntelliJIdea13, PyCharm30 or AndroidStudio.

This will prevent the lightbulb from ever being shown. This solution came up in the discussion of an issue about this problem.

like image 58
Feuermurmel Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
