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Hide Input in Batch File

I was wondering how I would go about Hiding the input from a 'set /p' command in a batch file.

set /p Password=What is your password?

We all know that inputting your password, you would be able to see it. How would I go 'bout hiding it ?

I tried conset.exe from here. And used:

conset /PH Password=What is your password?

And i get "Conset: Error setting variable" :(

Another idea I had, was to change the colour of the console window. But how could I change the colour on the same line? So that you could see the question, but not see the answer?

Any ideas from the pros?

like image 292
James Avatar asked May 02 '11 01:05


1 Answers

1.Pure batch solution that (ab)uses XCOPY command and its /P /L switches found here :

:: Hidden.cmd
::Tom Lavedas, 02/05/2013, 02/20/2013
::Carlos, 02/22/2013

@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "FILE=%Temp%.\T"
Set "FILE=.\T"
Keys List >"%File%"
Set /P "=Hidden text ending with Ctrl-C?: " <Nul
Set "HInput="
For /F "tokens=1* delims=?" %%A In (
 '"Xcopy /P /L "%FILE%" "%FILE%" 2>Nul"'
) Do (
  Set "Text=%%B"
  If Defined Text (
    Set "Char=!Text:~1,1!"
    Set "Intro=1"
    For /F delims^=^ eol^= %%Z in ("!Char!") Do Set "Intro=0"
    Rem If press Intro
    If 1 Equ !Intro! Goto :HInput#
    Set "HInput=!HInput!!Char!"
Goto :HInput_
Goto :Eof 

2.1 Another way based on replace command

@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

Set /P "=Enter a Password:" < Nul
Call :PasswordInput
Echo(Your input was:!Line!

Goto :Eof

::Author: Carlos Montiers Aguilera
::Last updated: 20150401. Created: 20150401.
::Set in variable Line a input password
For /F skip^=1^ delims^=^ eol^= %%# in (
'"Echo(|Replace.exe "%~f0" . /U /W"') Do Set "CR=%%#"
For /F %%# In (
'"Prompt $H &For %%_ In (_) Do Rem"') Do Set "BS=%%#"
Set "Line="
Set "CHR=" & For /F skip^=1^ delims^=^ eol^= %%# in (
'Replace.exe "%~f0" . /U /W') Do Set "CHR=%%#"
If !CHR!==!CR! Echo(&Goto :Eof
If !CHR!==!BS! (If Defined Line (Set /P "=!BS! !BS!" <Nul
Set "Line=!Line:~0,-1!"
) Else (Set /P "=*" <Nul
If !CHR!==! (Set "Line=!Line!^!"
) Else Set "Line=!Line!!CHR!"
Goto :_PasswordInput_Kbd

2.Password submitter that uses a HTA pop-up . This is a hybrid .bat/jscript/mshta file and should be saved as a .bat:

<!-- :
:: PasswordSubmitter.bat
@echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%p in ('mshta.exe "%~f0"') do (
    set "pass=%%p"

echo your password is %pass%
exit /b

<head><title>Password submitter</title></head>

    <script language='javascript' >
        function pipePass() {
            var pass=document.getElementById('pass').value;
            var fso= new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1);


    <input type='password' name='pass' size='15'></input>
    <button onclick='pipePass()'>Submit</button>


3.A self-compiled .net hybrid .Again should be saved as .bat .In difference with other solutions it will create/compile a small .exe file that will be called (if you wish you can delete it). Also requires installed .net framework but that's rather not a problem:

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:-d  /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\*jsc.exe"') do (
   set "jsc=%%v"
if not exist "%~n0.exe" (
    "%jsc%" /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~dpsfnx0"

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%p in ('"%~n0.exe"') do (
    set "pass=%%p"
echo your password is !pass!

endlocal & exit /b %errorlevel%

import System;

var pwd = "";
var key;
Console.Error.Write("Enter password: ");

        do {
           key = Console.ReadKey(true);

           if ( (key.KeyChar.ToString().charCodeAt(0)) >= 20 && (key.KeyChar.ToString().charCodeAt(0) <= 126) ) {

           if ( key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && pwd.Length > 0 ) {
               Console.Error.Write("\b \b");
        } while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter);
like image 54
npocmaka Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11
