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Hide horizontal scrollbar

I have a problem with the horizontal scrollbar. I don't want it to show up. Actually it only shows up in Chrome and it doesn't in Internet Explorer. What can I do? I have tried modifying width and padding in the css class, but this changes the layout as well. The content inside test is dynamic so it can overflow vertically, and this is fine because I only don't want horizontal scrollbar.


<div class="test">


.test {
    BORDER-TOP: #7F9DB9 1px solid;
    BORDER-RIGHT: #7F9DB9 1px solid;
    BORDER-LEFT: #7F9DB9 1px solid;
    BORDER-BOTTOM: #7F9DB9 1px solid;
    WIDTH: 100%;
    PADDING-LEFT: 10px;
    PADDING-TOP: 10px;
    HEIGHT: 100%;

here is a fiddle if you need it: http://jsfiddle.net/XLY9L/


like image 801
Gyonder Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 01:11


1 Answers

There's a simple solution for this, just add this to your CSS declaration:

box-sizing: border-box;

The reason for horizontal scrollbar appears is that padding and border is by default added to whatever width you give to your element. By setting it explicitly to border-box, the padding and border are included in that width value.

This property is supported in IE8+, FireFox 19+ (by using -moz-box-sizing) and iOS Safari and Android (by using -webkit-box-sizing)

Also, I strongly suggest using shorthand css, as follows:

.test {
    BOX-SIZING: border-box;
    WIDTH: 100%;
    HEIGHT: 100%;
    PADDING: 10px 0 10px 10px;
    BORDER: #7F9DB9 1px solid;
    BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff;
like image 117
micadelli Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 18:12
