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Hibernate override @transient




I have a mapped super class, which has a field that some of the tables in my DB share.

I wish to annotate this field with @Transient so most entities will ignore it, but de-@Transient or un-@Transient it on child entities.

Is this possible?

Thank you, Idob

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Ido Barash Avatar asked Oct 24 '12 15:10

Ido Barash

1 Answers

You might be able to use the discriminator pattern


You would have to set up a parent super class and then sub-class it, something like


Then, ClassExtensionThatReadsCertainFields could specify the field that you don't intend on updating as read only.

This might be a bit of a vague suggestion, so if you want more specific help maybe provide some more concrete examples of how your domain classes need to behave in relationship to your DB.

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Jason Lowenthal Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11

Jason Lowenthal