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Hibernate one to many using something other than a primary key

I have a class A that has a set of B's. However, these two objects are linked by fields that are NOT the primary key.

For B, I can use <key column>, but how do I specify that the join should be in A.secondary_column? Not A.table_primary_key_id ?

<class table="a">
    <id column="table_primary_key_id">
    <property column="secondary_column" />

    <set table="B" lazy="false" >
        <key column="B_not_primary" />
        <one-to-many class="BClass" />
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Sergio Vera Avatar asked Aug 06 '09 19:08

Sergio Vera

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Hibernate requires that entity tables have primary keys.

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Foreign key refers to single column or group of columns in table that link data present in another table through its primary key. A Foreign key can't exist without its parent key but viceversa is not true. Want to be a Hibernate Master ?

1 Answers

Solved with

<set name="someSet" table="B" lazy="false">
    <key column="B_not_primary" property-ref="secondary_column" />
    <one-to-many class="BClass" />
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Sergio Vera Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10

Sergio Vera