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Hibernate native query with multiple joins on same table returning wrong results

I am using a native sql query where I have a players table to which I join three times, first to get the batsman name, then to get bowler name and then to get the fielder name. Now the first join works, but the next two also return the same name i.e the batsman name.

Here is the sql query

    del.over_no , 
    del.delivery_no , 
    batsman.sname , 
    outType.name , 
    outBy.sname , 
    fielder.sname , 

    from delivery del 
    INNER JOIN batsman_performance bep ON del.innings_id=bep.innings_id 
    INNER JOIN ref_player batsman ON del.batsman_id = batsman.id
    INNER JOIN ref_player outBy ON del.bowler_id = outBy.id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ref_player fielder ON del.fielder_id1= fielder.id
    INNER JOIN ref_out_type outType ON del.out_type_id=outType.id
    and del.out_type_id IS NOT NULL 
    and del.innings_id=:innings_id 
    and bep.player_id = del.batsman_id
    order by over_no, delivery_no;

I am not using aliases for the selected columns because when i did, hibernate threw an exception for whichever column I use an alias

Request processing failed; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query] with root cause java.sql.SQLException: Column 'over_no' not found.

This query is working when I run it on my mysql client and returns the correct dataset but when I run it in my code, the result set somehow overrides the two subsequent joins on ref_player table, leaving me with the batsman name in all three columns, i.e same name in batsman.sname, outBy.sname and fielder.sname columns.

I am stuck here for the last two days, Please any help would be great.

like image 231
Khizar Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 07:08


1 Answers

Try to wrap your select in another select statement and it should work. I am using stored procedures but it should not make any difference


    del.over_no , 
    del.delivery_no , 
    batsman.sname , 
    outType.name , 
    outBy.sname , 
    fielder.sname , 

    from delivery del 
    INNER JOIN batsman_performance bep ON del.innings_id=bep.innings_id 
    INNER JOIN ref_player batsman ON del.batsman_id = batsman.id
    INNER JOIN ref_player outBy ON del.bowler_id = outBy.id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ref_player fielder ON del.fielder_id1= fielder.id
    INNER JOIN ref_out_type outType ON del.out_type_id=outType.id
    and del.out_type_id IS NOT NULL 
    and del.innings_id=:innings_id 
    and bep.player_id = del.batsman_id
    order by over_no, delivery_no
) AS subselection;

In the above you actually should use aliases otherwise you will have two columns with the same name which will throw an error

like image 195
mariubog Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10
