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Hibernate Criteria n+1 issue with maxresults

Using hibernate ctiteria I want to select an object and it's associated oneToMany list of objects. I want to paginate through this list avoiding the dreaded hibernate n+1 select issue

Here's a working solution which requires 11 trips to the database for 10 parent objects.

Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(Mother.class);
.setFetchMode("kittens", FetchMode.SELECT);
List test = criteria.list();

And here's a solution which executes only one sql statement (hurray) but cannot handle pagination ie the setMaxResults and setFirstResult are incorrect on the parent object Mother (boo)

Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(Mother.class);
.setFetchMode("kittens", FetchMode.JOIN);
List test = criteria.list();

This seems like such a common requirement but I've dug around for a solution with no luck.

Any takers?

like image 398
jaseFace Avatar asked Apr 06 '11 14:04


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2 Answers

Getting it down to 1 query is tough (i.e. I don't know a portable solution), but getting it down to 2 queries (irrespective of n) is pretty simple:

Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(Mother.class);
List<?> ids = criteria.list();

criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Mother.class)
    .add(Restrictions.in("id", ids))
    .setFetchMode("children", FetchMode.JOIN)

return criteria.list();

For some databases, subselect fetching children might work, too.

like image 128
meriton Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11


As far as I know there are no good ways to solve this problem except for the following trick with native SQL query (exact SQL syntax depends on your DBMS):

List<Mother> result = s.createSQLQuery(
    "select {m.*}, {k.*} " +
    "from (select limit :firstResult :maxResults * from Mother m) m " +
    "left join Kitten k on k.motherId = m.id"
    .addEntity("m", Mother.class)
    .addJoin("k", "m.kittens")
    .setParameter("firstResult", ...)
    .setParameter("maxResults", ...)


// Unfortunately built-in DistrictRootEntityResultTransformer cannot be used
// here, since it assumes that root entity is the last in the tuple, whereas
// with addEntity()/addJoin() it's the first in the tuple
public class MyDistrictRootEntityResultTransformer implements ResultTransformer {
    public static final MyDistrictRootEntityResultTransformer INSTANCE = new MyDistrictRootEntityResultTransformer();

    public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) {
        return tuple[0];

    public List transformList(List collection) {
        return DistinctResultTransformer.INSTANCE.transformList(collection);
like image 28
axtavt Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 17:11
