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Hibernate authentication without passwords stored in plain text

My goal is to authenticate to the database using a JDBC/Hibernate in a secure manner, without storing passwords in plain text. Code examples appreciated. I'm already using waffle to authenticate the user so if there was some way to use the credentials that waffle obtained from the user, and forward those to the DB, that would be good.

Two questions:

  1. What is the recommended way to do multi hop authentication (the client, web server, and database are all different machines) with tomcat/hibernate/spring on web server, a sql database, and obviously client browser?
  2. I would also settle for a way to use a single user account to do authentication, as long as that user account's information was not stored in plain text anywhere. The user account will need both read/write privileges on the DB.

I found some useful information about connecting to SQL Server in this thread. However, I'm expecting that Tomcat will be running under the default account which is like, Local System or something. As far as I know, that account cannot be used to do windows authentication to the database.

My solution:

I did end up using the approach mentioned in the above thread. Instead of running the Tomcat service as Local System it is now running as a user. That user has permission to access the database. My hibernate configuration file is configured as follows:

    <property name="hibernate.connection.url">

To those who provided responses

I appreciate everyone's help and I will try out some of the techniques mentioned in the thread. My issue with some of the responses is that they require symmetric encryption which requires a secret key. Keeping the key secret is almost the exact same problem as storing the password in plain text.

like image 417
KyleM Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 16:04


People also ask

How is password stored in database?

The password entered by user is concatenated with a random generated salt as well as a static salt. The concatenated string is passed as the input of hashing function. The result obtained is stored in database. Dynamic salt is required to be stored in the database since it is different for different users.

Can a password be stored in plaintext?

Good password management guidelines require that a password never be stored in plaintext. The following code reads a password from a properties file and uses the password to connect to a database. ...

Where are passwords stored in Spring Security?

The passwords are stored in the relational database. To keep it simple in this example we send the user credentials with every HTTP request. It means the application must start authentication whenever the client wants to access the API. First, we create an API we want to protect with Spring Security:

How does Spring Security authenticate a user?

If Spring Security finds the header, it starts the authentication. To authenticate, Spring Security needs user data with user names and password hashes. That’s why we have to implement the UserDetailsService interface. This interface loads user-specific data and needs read-only access to user data:

How does the passwordencoderfactories work?

The PasswordEncoderFactories sets BCryptPasswordEncoder as the default encoder. Now, when user data is saved during registration, the password encoder will encode the password and add a prefix at the beginning of the result string. The encoded password looks like this: {bcrypt}$2a$10$4V9kA793Pi2xf94dYFgKWuw8ukyETxWb7tZ4/mfco9sWkwvBQndxW

1 Answers

i recently blogged about this:

you can tell tomcat's jdbcrealm to use a digest algorithm on the password like sha-256 and save the hash rather than plaintext passwords.

Suppose your User entities look like this:

@Table(name = "cr_users")
public class UserDetails{
    private long id;
    private String name;
    private String passwordHash;
    private Set<Group> groups;

when creating a new User via a service it's possible to create a password hash by using a MessageDigest:

public UserDetails createNewUser(String username,String passwd,Set<Group> groups){
       UserDetails u=new UserDetails();
       return u;
public String createHash(String data){
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        byte byteData[] = digest.digest();
        //convert bytes to hex chars
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length; i++) {
         sb.append(Integer.toString((byteData[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
        return sb.toString();

since SHA-256 will always yield the same hashvalue for the same input you can tell tomcat's JDBCRealm to use this algorithm to verify passwords.

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
       connectionName="myuser" connectionPassword="mypass"
       userTable="tc_realm_users" userNameCol="username" userCredCol="passwordhash" 
       userRoleTable="tc_realm_groups" roleNameCol="groupname"

the problem is that tomcat will expect a distinct format for the usertable like this:

+----------------------+  +-------------------+
|   tc_realm_users     |  | tc_realm_groups   |
+----------------------+  +-------------------+
| username     varchar |  | username  varchar |
| passwordhash varchar |  | groupname varchar |
+----------------------+  +-------------------+

if your user data model fits you're lucky, but my Hibernate generated tables looked like that:

+----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------------+
|     cr_users         |  |      cr_groups    |  | cr_users_cr_groups |
+----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------------+
| id              long |  | id           long |  | cr_users_id   long |
| name         varchar |  | name      varchar |  | groups_id     long |
| passwordhash varchar |  +-------------------+  +--------------------+

so i created a View using SQL which had the expected format and draws it's data from my webapps user data:

create view tc_realm_groups as
  cr_users.name as username,
  groups.name as groupname
from cr_users 
left join (
        from cr_groups 
        left join 
                on cr_users_cr_groups.groups_id=cr_groups.id
) as groups on groups.cr_users_id=id;

create view tc_realm_users as
  name as username
from cr_users;

with that tomcat was able to authenticate/authorize agains my already existing user data and wrote the data in the context so i could use it in my Jersey (JSR-311) resources:

public Response getEvent(@Context SecurityContext sc,@PathParam("id") long id) {
                log.debug("auth: " + sc.getAuthenticationScheme());
                log.debug("user: " + sc.getUserPrincipal().getName()); // the username!
                log.debug("admin-privileges: " + sc.isUserInRole("webapp-admin"));
                return Response.ok(“auth success”).build();

there are also some other Realm implementations out there:

  • JDBCRealm
  • DataSourceRealm
  • JNDIRealm
  • UserDatabaseRealm
  • MemoryRealm
  • JAASRealm
  • CombinedRealm
  • LockOutRealm

some links:

  • http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/realm-howto.html
  • http://www.ericonjava.com/?p=325
  • http://objecthunter.congrace.de/tinybo/blog/articles/89
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fasseg Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10
