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Hibernate Annoation only bundle

I am looking for a Maven artifact that only contains the hibernate annotation without the hibernate-core. I try to get small model bundle.

It seems up to hibernate 3 there was: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

The common annotations seems not to contain @Type and many more https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hibernate.common/hibernate-commons-annotations

What is the best practice for this case?

like image 459
GreenRover Avatar asked Oct 22 '18 13:10


2 Answers

Disclaimer: I don't know if it is allowed by hibernate license

You can extract org.hibernate.annotations package to your final jar. You will have compile-time dependency on hibernate-core, but only org.hibernate.annotations package will be included in your final jar.

Using maven-dependency-plugin:


And you have to add hibernate-core as your provided dependency:




import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete;

@SQLDelete(sql = "delete from whatever where id = ?")
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SQLDelete annotation = Main.class.getAnnotation(SQLDelete.class);
    System.out.println("Sql delete = " + annotation);
    System.out.println("Sql = " + annotation.sql());
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      System.out.println("org.hibernate.Session is not present");


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">






$ mvn package
$ java -jar target/so-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


Sql delete = @org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete(callable=false, check=NONE, sql=delete from whatever where id = ?)
Sql = delete from whatever where id = ?
org.hibernate.Session is not present

Jar contents:

├── Main.class
   └── maven
       └── com.caco3
           └── so
               ├── pom.properties
               └── pom.xml
└── org
    └── hibernate
        └── annotations
            ├── AccessType.class
            ├── Any.class
            ├── AnyMetaDef.class
            ├── AnyMetaDefs.class
            ├── AttributeAccessor.class
            ├── BatchSize.class
            ├── Cache.class
            ├── CacheConcurrencyStrategy$1.class
            ├── CacheConcurrencyStrategy.class
            ├── CacheModeType$1.class
            ├── CacheModeType.class
            ├── Cascade.class
            ├── CascadeType.class
            ├── Check.class
            ├── CollectionId.class
            ├── CollectionType.class
            ├── ColumnDefault.class
            ├── Columns.class
            ├── ColumnTransformer.class
            ├── ColumnTransformers.class
            ├── CreationTimestamp.class
            ├── DiscriminatorFormula.class
            ├── DiscriminatorOptions.class
            ├── DynamicInsert.class
            ├── DynamicUpdate.class
            ├── Entity.class
            ├── Fetch.class
            ├── FetchMode.class
            ├── FetchProfile$FetchOverride.class
            ├── FetchProfile.class
            ├── FetchProfiles.class
            ├── Filter.class
            ├── FilterDef.class
            ├── FilterDefs.class
            ├── FilterJoinTable.class
            ├── FilterJoinTables.class
            ├── Filters.class
            ├── FlushModeType.class
            ├── ForeignKey.class
            ├── Formula.class
            ├── Generated.class
            ├── GenerationTime.class
            ├── GeneratorType.class
            ├── GenericGenerator.class
            ├── GenericGenerators.class
            ├── Immutable.class
            ├── Index.class
            ├── IndexColumn.class
            ├── JoinColumnOrFormula.class
            ├── JoinColumnsOrFormulas.class
            ├── JoinFormula.class
            ├── LazyCollection.class
            ├── LazyCollectionOption.class
            ├── LazyGroup.class
            ├── LazyToOne.class
            ├── LazyToOneOption.class
            ├── ListIndexBase.class
            ├── Loader.class
            ├── ManyToAny.class
            ├── MapKeyType.class
            ├── MetaValue.class
            ├── NamedNativeQueries.class
            ├── NamedNativeQuery.class
            ├── NamedQueries.class
            ├── NamedQuery.class
            ├── Nationalized.class
            ├── NaturalIdCache.class
            ├── NaturalId.class
            ├── NotFoundAction.class
            ├── NotFound.class
            ├── OnDeleteAction.class
            ├── OnDelete.class
            ├── OptimisticLock.class
            ├── OptimisticLocking.class
            ├── OptimisticLockType.class
            ├── OrderBy.class
            ├── ParamDef.class
            ├── Parameter.class
            ├── Parent.class
            ├── Persister.class
            ├── Polymorphism.class
            ├── PolymorphismType.class
            ├── Proxy.class
            ├── QueryHints.class
            ├── ResultCheckStyle.class
            ├── RowId.class
            ├── SelectBeforeUpdate.class
            ├── Sort.class
            ├── SortComparator.class
            ├── SortNatural.class
            ├── SortType.class
            ├── Source.class
            ├── SourceType.class
            ├── SQLDeleteAll.class
            ├── SQLDelete.class
            ├── SqlFragmentAlias.class
            ├── SQLInsert.class
            ├── SQLUpdate.class
            ├── Subselect.class
            ├── Synchronize.class
            ├── Table.class
            ├── Tables.class
            ├── Target.class
            ├── Tuplizer.class
            ├── Tuplizers.class
            ├── Type.class
            ├── TypeDef.class
            ├── TypeDefs.class
            ├── UpdateTimestamp.class
            ├── ValueGenerationType.class
            ├── Where.class
            └── WhereJoinTable.class
like image 170
Denis Zavedeev Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Denis Zavedeev

I don't know hibernate jar that will contain only clean annotations including @Type and nothing else hibernate related.

I am try to guess, you want to get a jar that will contains code that uses @Type annotation in import, but does not depend on hibernate-core.

Use provided maven scope for this case.

Google says

Maven dependency scope – provided. Maven dependency scope provided is used during build and test the project. They are also required to run, but should not exported, because the dependency will be provided by the runtime, for instance, by servlet container or application server.

What means 'requied to run' and 'will be provided' here is that classpath have to load


From anywhere, most probably from existed hibernate-core jar, but in fact it is not necessary to be exactly hibernate-core. Java class coordinates is class_name + package + classloader. There is some considerations on special packages names like java.lang, but not for org.hibernate.* if you will create your own jar, that will contain this same package + annotation with same name, effect will be the same.

In other words you can create your own @Type annotation itself in your own jar if you strictly don't want it from hibernate-core.

Hope this will help.

like image 34
Dzmitry Prakapenka Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Dzmitry Prakapenka