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Heroku Server timezone and logs time



I'm trying to change Heroku server timezone.

I've followed the steps in Why does Heroku log using the server time rather than the Rails time zone?

Executing heroku config: TZ: Atlantic/Cape_Verde

Executing heroku run bash date: Wed Jan 23 11:24:52 CVT 2013

However heroku logs --tail still shows dates with my local timezone GMT

Am I missing something? Thanks guys:)

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KirdApe Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 12:01


2 Answers

As of version 6.15.5-1f03166

heroku config:add TZ="America/New_York"

worked for me. Make sure you run the command after navigating to the application directory. For the correctness of timezone, check this wikipedia page. For e.g. use

heroku config:add TZ="Asia/Kolkata"

to get logs in Indian Standard Time.
In case, you are not inside your project directory, Heroku-cli expects an extra flag :

heroku config:add TZ="Asia/Kolkata" --app appname

where appname is the app name present on your Heroku dashboard and not your project name.

NOTE: By default, updating timezone re-deploys your running application.

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YetAnotherBot Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10


If you are using a Log Viewer like PaperTrail, then one additional setting is required : PaperTrail > Settings > Profile > TimeZone > DropDown of selectable TimeZones

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Rabi Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10
