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Heroku: rogue transfer in progress

I started a migration on Heroku last night that gave me no feedback for hours, and which I eventually stopped because it wasn't clear if the system was even doing anything.

Ever since, it's been a nightmare. I cannot access the relevant database tables in heroku console, I can't migrate, rollback, or use pgbackups.

Helpfully, pgbackups gave me a one line explanation just now:

a transfer is currently in progress

This I assume is the migration I tried to execute hours ago. How can I stop whatever Heroku is doing so I can do a quick restore and get back up and running?

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sscirrus Avatar asked Jun 17 '12 11:06


2 Answers

You can remove the problem backup stuck in the "a transfer is currently in progress" by finding the name of the backup and then destroying it. E.g.

heroku pgbackups

My problem backup was listed like this:

b210 | 2013/01/02 12:29.33 | unknown | DATABASE_URL

So to destroy it I just did:

heroku pgbackups:destroy b210

It removed the problem backup for me so I could get on with using pgbackups again properly.

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Will Tew Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11

Will Tew

I just had this problem too. Found an easier way of fixing it - briefly remove the pgbackups addon.

heroku addons:remove pgbackups
heroku addons:add pgbackups

WARNING as mentioned in the comments below, this will destroy all extant backups!

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micapam Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 10:11
