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heroku mongohq and mongoid Mongo::ConnectionFailure

UPDATE 9th june 2012:

Setup with mongoid 3.0.0.rc at heroku, see this gist: https://gist.github.com/2900804

UPDATE 22th jan 2011:

Uri now takes precedence in mongoid.yml


UPDATE 12th aug 2010: Although I got an accepted answer 6th may from Jackues Crocker, there are aspects of this issue that makes it easy to mess up! It happened to me yet again and I decided to research the mongoid source code. So, here it goes:

Currently, host: port: name/database: settings TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER the uri: setting. Hence, the awfully uninformative error message is happening due to a request to localhost:xxxx and not to flame.local.mongohq.com:xxxx

This will break!

defaults: &defaults
  host: localhost  <- THIS 'OVERWRITES' host in the uri!

  <<: *defaults    <- BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU BRING IN. THE host: FROM DEFAULTS WILL BE THE ONE APPLIED, not your uri host.
  uri: <%= ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'] %>

fix it with either removing the host: in defaults, and/or removing the <<: *defaults


I have added the mongoHQ addon for mongodb at heroku. It crashes with :

connect_to_master': failed to connect to any given host:port (Mongo::ConnectionFailure)

The descriptions online (heroku mongohq) are more directed towards mongomapper, as I see it. I'm running ruby 1.9.1 and rails 3-beta with mongoid.

My feeling says that there's something with ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'], which it says the MongoHQ addon sets, but I haven't set MONGOHQ_URL anywhere in my app. I guess the problem is in my mongoid.yml ?

defaults: &defaults
  host: localhost

  <<: *defaults
  database: aliado_development

  <<: *defaults
  database: aliado_test

# set these environment variables on your prod server
  <<: *defaults
  host: <%= ENV['MONGOID_HOST'] %>
  port: <%= ENV['MONGOID_PORT'] %>
  username: <%= ENV['MONGOID_USERNAME'] %>
  password: <%= ENV['MONGOID_PASSWORD'] %>
  database: <%= ENV['MONGOID_DATABASE'] %>

It works fine locally, but fails at heroku, more stack trace:

==> crashlog.log <==
Cannot write to outdated .bundle/environment.rb to update it
/disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/rack-1.1.0/lib/rack.rb:14: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
/disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongo-0.20.1/lib/mongo/connection.rb:435:in `connect_to_master': failed to connect to any given host:port (Mongo::ConnectionFailure)
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongo-0.20.1/lib/mongo/connection.rb:112:in `initialize'
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta4
/lib/mongoid/railtie.rb:32:in `new'
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta4/lib/mongoid/railtie.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Railtie>'
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta4/lib/mongoid.rb:110:in `configure'
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta4/lib/mongoid/railtie.rb:21:in `block in <class:Railtie>'
    from /disk1/home/slugs/176479_b14df52_b875/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/railties-3.0.0.beta3/lib/rails/initializable.rb:25:in `instance_exec'

It all works locally, both tests and app. I'm out of ideas... Any suggestions?

PS: Somebody with high repu mind create the tag 'mongohq'?

like image 444
oma Avatar asked May 06 '10 20:05


2 Answers

Mongoid (master) now has a URI option in mongoid.yml. So you could do:

  uri: <%= ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'] %>

To use mongoid master in your project, set this in your Gemfile

gem "mongoid", :git => "[email protected]:mongoid/mongoid.git"

Hopefully a new gem will be released soon which will clean things up.

like image 56
Jacques Crocker Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Jacques Crocker

It seems to me that specifying host in the defaults hash overrides the value in uri. To fix it just remove the host from the default, here is my config/mongo.yml:

defaults: &defaults
  allow_dynamic_fields: true
  parameterize_keys: true
  persist_in_safe_mode: true
  raise_not_found_error: true
  reconnect_time: 3
  use_object_ids: true

  <<: *defaults
  uri: <%= ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'] %>

Here is the snippet from mongoid's config.rb:

  mongo_uri = settings["uri"].present? ? URI.parse(settings["uri"]) : OpenStruct.new

  name = settings["database"] || mongo_uri.path.to_s.sub("/", "")
  host = settings["host"] || mongo_uri.host || "localhost" # <= look here
  port = settings["port"] || mongo_uri.port || 27017
like image 25
Kliment Mamykin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Kliment Mamykin