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Heroku-like services for Scala?




I love Heroku but I would prefer to develop in Scala rather than Ruby on Rails.

Does anyone know of any services like Heroku that work with Scala?

UPDATE: Heroku now officially supports Scala - see answers below for links

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Bill Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 15:04


People also ask

Is there an alternative to Heroku?

The available Heroku alternativesElastic Beanstalk (AWS) Google App Engine. Dokku on Digital Ocean etc. Firebase.

Is Heroku still relevant?

Today, Heroku is part of the broader Salesforce Platform of developer tools, but it remains a successful business in its own right, accounting for hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues and supporting a wide range of languages and thousands of developers who run applications on it.

Which is better Heroku or Netlify?

– Heroku is better suited for backend developers. – Netlify is better suited for frontend developers. – Heroku works with mobile and web projects. – Netlify is designed for web projects.

1 Answers

As of October 3rd 2011, Heroku officially supports Scala, Akka and sbt.


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samirahmed Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 20:10
