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Heroku: ImportError: No module named site

After some changes in my repo and deploy to heroku I am receiving the following error:

ImportError: No module named site

I not have idea what can cause the problem because I only change some Django templates in the last 2 commits.

Best Regards

like image 885
Carlos Aguilar Avatar asked Jan 15 '23 10:01

Carlos Aguilar

2 Answers

Take a look at your Procfile. It should show something like this:

web: gunicorn site:app

Make sure site is the name of your app.

like image 68
frogbandit Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 00:01


Heroku has an article for this: https://help.heroku.com/BWJ7QYTF/why-am-i-seeing-importerror-no-module-named-site-when-deploying-a-python-app

Updates to the Python buildpack mean that the PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME config vars being set on the app may introduce this issue.

Firstly, check if these are present with

heroku config

To fix the issue, you can unset them like so:

heroku config:unset PYTHONHOME -a appname

heroku config:unset PYTHONPATH -a appname

like image 26
James Gentes Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 00:01

James Gentes