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Having trouble with NSTimer (Swift)





What I wish to do is call a function named timerFunc once every five seconds using a NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method, the issue seems is that during runtime, I get the error

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-      
[Animation.ViewController timerFunc:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fe548d66040'

In the output log. I've been looking up other people's NSTimers to no avail, I see quite a few have the selector as selector: Selector("timerFunc:") instead of selector: Selector("timerFunc") both ways, however, give the error. Another thing is that both the timerFunc function and the NSTimer are inside of viewDidLoad, are there any issues with that? Any insight on the problem is greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.

timerFunc below

func timerFunc(){


NSTimer below

        target: self,
        selector: Selector("timerFunc"),
        userInfo: nil,
        repeats: true)
like image 805
Althonos Avatar asked Sep 14 '14 22:09


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1 Answers

My problem with this was the selector was pointing at a private function.

like image 130
Karmie Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
