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Have sed ignore non-matching lines



How can I make sed filter matching lines according to some expression, but ignore non-matching lines, instead of letting them print?

As a real example, I want to run scalac (the Scala compiler) on a set of files, and read from its -verbose output the .class files created. scalac -verbose outputs a bunch of messages, but we're only interested in those of the form [wrote some-class-name.class]. What I'm currently doing is this (|& is bash 4.0's way to pipe stderr to the next program):

$ scalac -verbose some-file.scala ... |& sed 's/^\[wrote \(.*\.class\)\]$/\1/' 

This will extract the file names from the messages we're interested in, but will also let all other messages pass through unchanged! Of course we could do instead this:

$ scalac -verbose some-file.scala ... |& grep '^\[wrote .*\.class\]$' |   sed 's/^\[wrote \(.*\.class\)\]$/\1/' 

which works but looks very much like going around the real problem, which is how to instruct sed to ignore non-matching lines from the input. So how do we do that?

like image 975
Paggas Avatar asked Nov 03 '09 06:11


1 Answers

If you don't want to print lines that don't match, you can use the combination of

  • -n option which tells sed not to print
  • p flag which tells sed to print what is matched

This gives:

sed -n 's/.../.../p' 
like image 153
mouviciel Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
