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Have org-mode continue a numbered list rather than restarting



Any way to have org-mode continue a numbered list rather than restarting?

Here is the situation. You make a list like:

Sometimes you can restart the display by doing something like this:

  1. Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to open up a terminal.
  2. Enter the following two commands:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash

export DISPLAY=:0.0

cinnamon --replace


\3. Then hit Ctrl-Alt-F8 to go back to the window manager.

Both the markdown editor and org-mode want the #3 to be #1, restarting the list after the code block.

SOLUTION below. Now it looks perfect. Here's a tip for recovering when Cinnamon locks up in Ubuntu 12.04 or Mint 13.

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 218
justingordon Avatar asked Oct 20 '12 01:10


People also ask

Why is ORG mode so great?

Org mode is routinely used to build and manage complex workflows. It does this using an elegantly simple syntax that scales from basic markup to full LaTeX typesetting and from plain text notes to literate programs. Everything you need to get started is demonstrated in the example.

What can you do with Org mode?

Org Mode offers the ability to insert source code in the document being edited, which is automatically exported and/or executed when exporting the document; the result(s) produced by this code can be automatically fetched back in the resulting output.

How do you make a table in Org mode?

The easiest way to create a table is to directly type the "|" character at the beginning of a line, or after any amount of white space. This will put you in the first field of an atomic table. Once you've finished editing this cell, you can jump to the next one by pressing TAB .

2 Answers

You can tell org-mode what the label of each item should be, so you can make the next list start with the number following the last one from the previous list. The org-mode manual for version 8.2.5h says (with boldness added by me):

Ordered list items start with a numeral followed by either a period or a right parenthesis, such as ‘1.’ or ‘1)’. If you want a list to start with a different value (e.g., 20), start the text of the item with [@20]. Those constructs can be used in any item of the list in order to enforce a particular numbering.

Using this, you can indent the text between the two lists any way you like, but there is no automatic updating of the numbering when the previous list changes.


Here comes a multi-part list.  1. Item the first. 2. Item the second.  Here is some intermediate text.  3. [@3] Item the third. 4. Item the fourth. 
like image 133
Louis Strous Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09

Louis Strous

Try indenting the #+BEGIN_SRC block, so it "looks" like it's a child of item number 2 instead of a top-level item. Does doing that fix your problem?

Like this:

 1. Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to open up a terminal.  2. Enter the following two commands:      #+BEGIN_SRC bash          export DISPLAY=:0.0          cinnamon --replace      #+END_SRC   3. Then hit Ctrl-Alt-F8 to go back to the window manager 
like image 38
Daniel Ralston Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Daniel Ralston