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Hash Table v/s Trees

Are hashtables always faster than trees? Though Hashtables have O(1) search complexity but suppose if due to badly designed hash function lot of collisions happen and if we handle collisions using chained structure (say a balanced tree) then the worst case running time for search would be O(log n). So can I conclude for big or small data sets even in case of worst case scenarios hash tables will always be faster than trees? Also If I have ample memory and I dont want range searches can I always go for a hash table?

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avinash shah Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 17:04

avinash shah

People also ask

Is hash table faster than binary tree?

Throughout this answer, n is the number of keys in the dictionary. The short answer is that hash tables are faster in most cases, but can be very bad at their worst.

What is the main reason for hash table instead of trees like BST?

Hash Table supports following operations in Θ(1) time. 1) Search 2) Insert 3) Delete The time complexity of above operations in a self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) (like Red-Black Tree, AVL Tree, Splay Tree, etc) is O(Logn). So Hash Table seems to beating BST in all common operations.

What is the advantage of hash table over BST?

What is the advantage of a hash table over BST? Explanation: Hash table and BST both are examples of data structures. Hash table has an advantage that it has a better time complexity for performing insert, delete and search operations.

When should you not use a hash table?

There are some operations which are not efficiently supported by hash tables, such as iterating over all the elements whose keys are within a certain range, finding the element with the largest key or smallest key, and so on. The O(n) complexity is on average.

2 Answers

Are hashtables always faster than trees?

No, not always. This depends on many things, such as the size of the collection, the hash function, and for some hash table implementations - also the number of delete ops.

hash-tables are O(1) per op on average - but this is not always the case. They might be O(n) in worst cases.

Some reasons I can think of at the moment to prefer trees:

  1. Ordering is important. [hash-tables are not maintaining order, BST is sorted by definition]
  2. Latency is an issue - and you cannot suffer the O(n) that might occur. [This might be critical for real-time systems]
  3. Ther data might be "similar" related to your hash function, and many elements hashed to the same locations [collisions] is not unprobable. [this can be sometimes solved by using a different hash function]
  4. For relatively small collections - many times the hidden constant between hashtable's O(1) is much higher then the tree's - and using a tree might be faster for small collections.

However - if the data is huge, latency is not an issue and collisions are unprobable - hash-tables are asymptotically better then using a tree.

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amit Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10


If due to badly designed hash function lot of collisions happen and if we handle collisions using chained structure (say a balanced tree) then the worst case running time for search would be O(n) (not O(log n)). Therefore you cannot conclude for big or small data sets even in case of worst case scenarios hash tables will always be faster than trees.

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Franck Dernoncourt Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10

Franck Dernoncourt