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Has Google pushed an update to their OAuth2.0 flow that breaks multiple accounts?



Up until last week, when ever I was logged into multiple accounts in Google and I invoked the OAuth2.0 flow I would get to an ugly screen (looked like it had been hit repeatedly with the ugly stick) that was functional. It would display a list of radio buttons with all the accounts I am logged in as, you select the one and continue through the flow.

This week I now get a beautiful screen that is non-functional (does not list accounts and the signin button only adds an additional account to the list of accounts I am signed in as) I should point out that I am logged into 4 different Google accounts at the same time. The OAuth2.0 for my app appears to be working fine as if I start an in-cognito window in Chrome, or start a new session and only have one account logged in, my OAuth flow continues normally.

Is this just me or is everyone hit by it?

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Stephen Connolly Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 13:09

Stephen Connolly

2 Answers

FYI, we just rolled out the new UI, so you may begin to see the "beautiful screen" that is now functional. :-) Thanks for the bug report.

like image 182
David Primmer Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11

David Primmer

We're also experiencing this. Hope someone at Google takes note and gets this fixed soon!

EDIT: To clarify, I've only experienced the problem when logged into both a personal Google account AND a Google apps account. Haven't tested other situations at present.

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Louis Simoneau Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11

Louis Simoneau