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Hardware buttons is not clickable in Android emulator

I work in Android Studio 1.0 RC 2 and I have an Android Emulator with Intel HAXM. The emulator is running normally. It shows the hardware buttons, but this buttons is not clickable. The AVD configuration is default for Nexus S, but it's scale is 0.5.

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Alex Andro Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 14:12

Alex Andro

2 Answers

It shows the hardware buttons, but this buttons is not clickable

If it shows HOME and BACK in the navigation bar, then they are not "the hardware buttons". That is the navigation bar. For actual "hardware" HOME and BACK buttons, you should not see anything, and the are mapped to Home and Esc respectively on your development machine's keyboard.

Go into the actual configuration file for your AVD. On OS X and Linux, that normally is ~/.android/avd/.../config.ini, where ... is based on the name of your AVD. See what your hw.mainKeys value is. For "hardware" HOME and BACK buttons, hw.mainKeys should be yes; for a navigation bar with HOME and BACK buttons, hw.mainKeys should be no.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10


Based on @CommonsWare comment

@Plugie: I never use those skins, and I am not aware that those buttons are ever supposed to be clickable.

I recommend to set hw.mainKeys=no

Go into the actual configuration file for your AVD. On OS X and Linux, that normally is ~/.android/avd/.../config.ini, where ... is based on the name of your AVD. See what your hw.mainKeys value is

After set hw.mainKeys=no, it will show System Bar which can be seen in screen shoot which red rectangle. Then you can navigate BACK, HOME using System Bar instead of Hardware Button

nexus s with hw.mainKeys=no

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Plugie Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
