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handshaking a SQL server with Javascript

I want to try, as a learning excersise, get my javascript to chat to sql.

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");

doesn't seem to be a blocked port, so it should in theory work.

I am looking for a breakdown of how to handshake with the sql server, and chat with it.

A pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated
(or even a reason explaining why it wont work.)

I want to try this on Microsoft SQL 2008 R2.

like image 669
Alex Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 14:02


1 Answers

MS SQL doesn't have a text based protocol to allow you to interface with it through telnet. You can use a web socket to determine of the target server is listening on 1433, but you're best bet for completing the login sequence is to use a sql client api.

like image 128
Jamey Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 05:02
