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Handling several implementations of one Spring bean/interface

Say I need to rely on several implementations of a Spring bean. I have one AccountService interface and two implementations: DefaultAccountServiceImpl and SpecializedAccountServiceImpl.

  1. How is this possible (injecting one or the other implementation) in Spring?

  2. Which implementation will the following injection use?

    private AccountService accountService;
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balteo Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 12:08


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2 Answers

Ad. 1: you can use @Qualifier annotation or autowire using @Resource as opposed to @Autowired which defaults to field name rather than type.

Ad. 2: It will fail at runtime saying that two beans are implementing this interface. If one of your beans is additionally annotated with @Primary, it will be preferred when autowiring by type.

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Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

BaseInterface impl1;

BaseInterface impl2;

public class Implementation1  implements BaseInterface {


@Component(value = "impl2")
public class Implementation2 implements BaseInterface {


For full code: https://github.com/rsingla/springautowire/
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Rajeev Singla Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Rajeev Singla