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Handling lists with RxJava and Retrofit in android

I have couple of api calls to make (sequentially, asynchronously) and some of them returns lists. My api interface is given below.

Observable<UserWrapper> getUserSettings();

Observable<List<Item>> getItems(@Path("username") String userName);

Observable<ItemInfo> getItemInfo(@Path("id") int id);

Observable<List<Friend>> getFriends(@Path("username") String userName);

Here's what I want to do sequentially:

  • Get UserWrapper by calling getUserSettings()
  • Save the user by calling saveUser(userWrapper)
  • Get user's items by calling getItems(userWrapper.getUserName())
  • Get each item's information by calling getItemInfo(item.getId())
  • Save each itemInfo by calling saveItem(itemInfo)
  • Get user's friends by calling getFriends(userWrapper.getUserName())
  • Save each friend by calling saveFriend(friend)

Now I am new to RxJava and do not know how to handle lists. I watched one of Jake Wharton's slides and found that he uses a function flattenList() but I don't know its definition. It would be great if you can help composing this chain.

Update 1

This is as far I've gotten now:

            .flatMap(userWrapper -> mApiService.getItems(userWrapper.getUserName()));
            .flatMapIterable( ? "How to iterate for each item" ? );

Update 2

I am trying to write something like this

    .flatMap(userWrapper -> mApiService.getItems(userWrapper.getUserName()))
    .someMethodToIterateThroughEachItem(item -> mApiService.getItemInfo(item))
    .someMethodThatCanCallUserWrapperAgain(userWrapper -> mApiService.getFriends(userWrapper.getUserName()))
    .someMethodToIterateThoughEachFriend(friend -> saveFriend(friend))
like image 604
Raquib-ul Alam Avatar asked Dec 29 '14 17:12

Raquib-ul Alam

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1 Answers

RxJava has added flatMapIterable. So you don't need flattenList now. E.g.,

  Observable<UserWrapper> o =
       .flatMap(user -> getItems(user.getUserName())
                        .flatMapIterable(items -> items)
                        .flatMap(item -> getItemInfo(item.getId()))
                        .map(ignored -> user))
        .flatMap(user -> getFriends(user.getUserName())
                         .flatMapIterable(friends -> friends)
                         .map(ignored -> user)
like image 186
zsxwing Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
