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Handling exceptions in express

I'm having trouble understanding how to handle something that it seems like would be a pretty basic aspect of express. If I have some code that throws an exception in an async callback, there is no way I can catch that exception because the try/catch block is no longer in scope by the time the callback is running. In these scenarios the browser will hang until it eventually give up stating that the server is unresponsive. This is a very bad user experience. I would much rather be able to immediately return a 500 error to the client. The default express error handler apparently does not handle this situation. Here is some sample code:

var express = require("express");

var app = express();
//express error handler (never called)
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {

app.get("/test", function(req, res, next) {
    require("fs").readFile("/some/file", function(err, data) {
        a.b(); //blow up


In the above code, the line a.b() throws a "ReferenceError: a is not defined" exception. The defined error handler is never called. Notice that the err object returned by fs.readFile() is null in this case because the file was correctly read. The bug is the code inside the async handler.

I have read this post about using node's uncaughtExpception even, but the documentation says not use that method. Even if I did use it, how would I then send the 500 response back to the user? The express response object is no longer around for me to use.

So how do you handle this scenario?

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d512 Avatar asked Aug 23 '13 17:08


1 Answers

You should use express's error handling middleware via app.use(error, req, res, next). Express maintains a separate middleware stack that it uses when the normal middleware stack throws an uncaught exception. (Side note that express just looks at the callback's arity (number of expected arguments) to categorize it as regular middleware or error handling middleware, which is a bit magical, so just keep in mind you must declare the arguments as above for express to understand this is an error handling middleware).

And based on your question and comments, just understand that exceptions aren't all that useful in node.js because every async call gets a new stack, which is why callbacks are used everywhere and the 1st argument is an error universally. Your try/catch block in the example is only going to catch an exception thrown directly by findById (like if id were undefined, as it is in your snippet), but once an actual call to the database is made, that's it, the call stack is over and no further exceptions can happen until a totally different call stack starts when node invokes the async IO callback.

Thanks for the answer, but this only works if I put the try/catch inside the async callback and have the catch do next(exp). I'd like to avoid having separate try/catch blocks in every single async callback.

Nope, that's not true. You don't have to manually call next(exp). Express will catch the error and trigger the error handling middleware for you (that's how express does it's developer-friendly exception report pages in dev mode anyway). And async libraries don't throw exceptions even under "normal" error conditions. They pass an error to the callback, so in general you don't have to bother with try/catch that much in node. Just never ignore an error parameter passed to a callback function, and you're fine.

You don't see this boilerplate in node:

someDb.query(someCriteria, function (error, result) {
  try {
    //some code to deal with result
  } catch (exception) {

You do see this though:

someDb.query(someCriteria, function (error, result) {
  if (error) {
  //some code to deal with result

Node handles IO differently, which means the call stack works differently, which means exceptions work differently, which means error handling works differently. You can write a stable node/express app that handles errors without crashing without writing a single try/catch. (express has one that handles uncaught errors that bubble all the way to the top). It's not a functional limitation, it's just a consquence of async IO that means you have to write your code differently and handle errors with callbacks instead of exceptions. Thinking of it as a "limitation" as opposed to the "way it is" is putting a negative connotation on something that is really just a technical reality. There are clean and robust patterns for exception handling in both a synchronous and asynchronous paradigm.

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Peter Lyons Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Peter Lyons