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Handling CSRF attacks from AWS Lambda?

Normally, a csrf token is generated by the server and then sent to the client. When the client submits a form, the token is passed back to the server, which then gets verified.

If I am just using API Gateway and Lambda, how would I ensure that all POST/PUT requests are valid, and protect against csrf attacks? There isn't much written about the subject that I could find, and I'm not sure how to persist a generated csrf token so that all lambda functions can access it anyway.

Is this something that AWS already handles for me, or do I need to specifically configure it in a special way?

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watdeo Avatar asked Jun 20 '17 05:06


People also ask

Does WAF protect against CSRF?

By using custom rules through a WAF, users are able to help prevent certain CSRF attacks.

Is CSRF possible in REST API?

Now, we can see that our request is working, and the “Invalid CSRF token” error is gone in the REST API logs. Therefore, it will be impossible for attackers to perform a CSRF attack.

How do you prevent CSRF attacks in REST API?

CSRF tokens prevent CSRF because without token, attacker cannot create a valid requests to the backend server. CSRF tokens should not be transmitted using cookies. The CSRF token can be added through hidden fields, headers, and can be used with forms, and AJAX calls.

Should API have CSRF?

The CSRF token is required for any later REST API calls. The client must send a valid token with every API request. The token is sent in a custom request HTTP header. The name of the custom header is X-IBM-SPM-CSRF.

1 Answers

While I haven’t done (or even tried) that myself, 2 possible solutions could be:

  • The obvious one: Persist the data in one of the storages offered by AWS
  • The less obvious one: use a token that does not need persistence. For instance, JWT (JSON web tokens) can be used statelessly insofar as all servers (in your case: lambda functions) only need to know a shared secret to be able to verify client-side tokens. To prevent re-using a previously generated and used token (in other words: ensure a token is used only once), you could add data to the token payload which describes the form, for instance using an entity identifier plus version number, or simply add a expiration timestamp to the token payload – whatever fits your use case.
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BlueM Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09
