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Handling application-wide events without Global.asax



My project has no "global.asax" for various reasons and I can't change that (it's a component). Also, I have no access to web.config, so an httpModule is also not an option.

Is there a way to handle application-wide events, like "BeginRequest" in this case?

I tried this and it didn't work, can someone explain why? Seems like a bug:

HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.BeginRequest += MyStaticMethod;
like image 908
Alex from Jitbit Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 08:04

Alex from Jitbit

People also ask

Can we run ASP.NET application without global ASAX file?

asax is not required by ASP.NET for a website to run. It is, however, very useful for application-level functionality (like unhandled exception logging). Save this answer.

Is global ASAX mandatory?

Global. asax is an optional file which is used to handling higher level application events such as Application_Start, Application_End, Session_Start, Session_End etc.

Which file is used to handle application events?

asax file is used to handle high level application events, such as: Application start. Application error. Session start.

What is difference between web config and global ASAX?

Global. asax contains code which is executed. Web. config contains configuration settings of web application, for example connection string, included libraries, namespaces, users and groups access permissions to virtual directories, etc.

1 Answers

No, this is not a bug. Event handlers can only be bound to HttpApplication events during IHttpModule initialization and you're trying to add it somewhere in the Page_Init(my assumption).

So you need to register a http module with desired event handlers dynamically. If you're under .NET 4 there is a good news for you - there is PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute attribute (a reference: Three Hidden Extensibility Gems in ASP.NET 4):

This new attribute allows you to have code run way early in the ASP.NET pipeline as an application starts up. I mean way early, even before Application_Start.

So the things left are pretty simple: you need to create your own http module with event handlers you want, module initializer and attribute to your AssemblyInfo.cs file . Here is a module example:

public class MyModule : IHttpModule
    public void Init(HttpApplication context)
        context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest);

    public void Dispose()


    void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)


To register module dynamically you could use DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule method from the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll assembly:

public class Initializer
    public static void Initialize()

the only thing left is to add the necessary attribute to your AssemblyInfo.cs:

[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Initializer), "Initialize")]
like image 188
Oleks Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 12:11
